Automatic Imports Import subscribers automatically with our Developer API. The documentation is available at Use the method /subscriber/add to insert new subscribers. Optionally use the silent flag if you don’t want subscribers to be notified of this new subscription. The granular parameter can be used to specify which components you’d like the subscriber to receive notifications for. Manual Import New […]
Category: Notifications
Webhook Notifications
Webhook Payload Examples Incidents and scheduled maintenance events each have their own payload data. The payload is sent via HTTP POST to the webhook URL. Scheduled Maintenance { “id”:”552adb8331a9553b11000008″, “message_id”:”542adb8331a9553b11000008″, “title”:”Server Upgrades”, “datetime”:”2015-04-03T18:38:57.326Z”, “datetime_start”:”2015-04-03T18:30:00+00:00″, “datetime_end”:”2015-04-03T18:45:00+00:00″, “current_status”:”Planned Maintenance”, “infrastructure_affected”:[ {“component”:”551ed627b556f14210000005″, “container”:”551ed5ac590f5a3b10000006″}, {“component”:”551ed627b556f14210000005″, “container”:”551ed5b1c9f9404110000005″} ], “components”:[ {“name”:”Chat Service”, “_id”:”551ed627b556f14210000005″} ], “containers”:[ {“name”:”US East”, “_id”:”551ed5ac590f5a3b10000006″}, {“name”:”US West”, “_id”:”551ed5b1c9f9404110000005″} […]
Twilio SMS Notifications
Broadcast status updates via SMS to your subscribers in 180+ countries using your Twilio account. Overview does not charge extra for SMS messages. Instead we provide integrations with Twilio and Vonage allowing you to use your own account and phone numbers with independent billing. Twilio charges per SMS message. International messaging rates vary. We […]
Slack Notifications
Slack Subscribers Subscribers can sign up to receive status notifications in their own Slack channels. Multiple subscriptions can be created to receive notifications in multiple Slack channels. Each subscriber can granularly choose which components to receive notifications for. Customize Slack Settings Configure your Slack settings in the Dashboard from the Notifications/Slack tab. Customize Slack Notifications […]
Email Notification Templates
Templates supports plain-text and HTML email notifications. Each template can be customized to fit your exact needs. View the default templates: Using Variables Embed variables in message templates by wrapping them with *| and |* Example: *|COMPANYNAME|* Each type of notification has its own set of available variables. Available Variables Incident COMPANYNAME […]
Email Message Subject Variables
Using Variables Insert variables directly into the message subject by wrapping them with *| and |* Example: *|COMPANYNAME|* Maintenance and incident email notifications each have their own set of available variables. Incident COMPANYNAME STATUSPAGENAME INCIDENTTITLE AFFECTEDCOMPONENTS (Warning: Could be very long) AFFECTEDCONTAINERS (Warning: Could be very long) TODAYSDATE (Example: 10/30/2015) CURRENTSTATUS CURRENTSTATE Maintenance COMPANYNAME STATUSPAGENAME […]
Allow your users to subscribe to a calendar containing all of your status activity. The calendar is published using the popular iCalendar format, which is supported by most modern calendar applications. What’s displayed in the calendar All active and resolved incidents All active and completed maintenances All upcoming scheduled maintenances Enable the iCalendar subscription in […]
Granular Component Subscriptions
By default, new subscribers are subscribed to notifications for all components. Subscribers can choose the specific components/containers that they want to receive notifications for. All new subscribers are sent a unique link to manage their subscription preferences, with the exception of SMS messages. Additionally a subscriber can request the management link by choosing Manage Subscription […]
Custom Email Domain
Send email notifications from your custom domain and email address. uses AWS SES for reliable delivery of status notifications. The custom domain must be verified before sending email notifications. Domain verification is based on DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), an email authentication standard that receiving mail servers use to validate an email’s authenticity. Authenticated email proves that the messages are not forged and […]